Small Business Energy Savings
Are you a small business looking to SAVE MONEY?
See how much you qualify for in rebates BEFORE you commit.
Go from oil heat to heat pump and SAVE!
Go form electric heat to heat pump and SAVE!
SBES is a pre-approval program.
The rebate amount is calculated using the "Predicted Energy Savings" of the project
Rebates available up to 80% of the project cost
"Electric Heat" can qualify for financing through NSP at 0% financing over 2 year period.
Schedule your site visit today and let us do the paperwork for you!
Fill out Form at bottom of page or contact us directly at 902-678-5400 or 1-844-678-5400
Examples of Savings & Rebates for Commercial Spaces 2024

Savings and Rebates
Estimated Annual Energy Savings (GJ): 188
Pre-Tax Quoted Project Cost: $32,134.00
Efficiency Nova Scotia Rebate: $20,846.54

Savings and Rebates
Estimated Annual Energy Savings (kWh): 11,142
Estimated kW Savings: 2.00
Pre-Tax Quoted Project Cost: $17,602.00
Efficiency Nova Scotia Rebate: $4,457.00

Savings and Rebates
Estimated Annual Energy Savings (kWh): 16,814
Estimated kW Savings: 5.68
Pre-Tax Quoted Project Cost: $16,800.00
Efficiency Nova Scotia Rebate: $6,725.64

Savings and Rebates
Estimated Annual Energy Savings (GJ): 93
Pre-Tax Quoted Project Cost: $18,465.00
Efficiency Nova Scotia Rebate: $10,353.95

Savings and Rebates
Estimated Annual Energy Savings (GJ): 98
Pre-Tax Quoted Project Cost: $12,675.50
Efficiency Nova Scotia Rebate: $10,140.40